Encounter with my student

Hai, I am very happy to speak to you once again through this website. This was happened on my 21 years of age. Now I am 26. My name is Sunith. I am now settled in Chennai. This was happened quite some years back when I am working as Faculty in one of famous Computer Institute and I was promoted as Student Coordinator there. The good thing is happened with one of my Student. I am started teaching on my 22 years of age. The reason is I am very closely related to the Chairman of that Institute. The bad thing is all the students are elder to me. The fortune is happened when the student name Ms. Nirmala Elizabeth who joined in the Institute. She is 23 years of age on that time. She was in 3rd year of college. 

She joined in 3pm to 5 pm batch. Being I was bit busy on that scheduled time, she was given to another faculty member. But in alternative days she has to attend the Practical class. When she is in Lab session I will be the coordinator for that batch. So we become very close friends that any body else. Then suddenly one day she transferred the class time to 5pm to 7 pm. On that batch I was free to take theory class. So management decided to transfer her batch to me along with some existing batch is going with me. She started attended my class. As of my concern she is very free in wearing the dresses without any traditional way of wearing the clothes. But in some days it becomes very worst way of wearing the dresses. For example, wearing the top with very low cut. Normally she will be on first row of my class. One day had the top, which is having very low cut. Some other day she wearied the same sort of top without bra inside. That time I had the opportunity to see her Nipple also. When I am taking classes on standing position, I had the very clear view of her boobs. The days are moving. That showed the character change in her. 

She started not coming to practical sessions but she is very regular in attending the theory sessions. The management asked me to speak to her for this reasons of not attending the practical session. When I asked that to her the reply was very stunning one. She said, You are not there in Practical session. I am unable to give reply to her. She continued and said, I am deeply Love with you. Then I am reacted and said that the position of mine of not accepting her love affair. I felt that she accepted my reply. After few days the classes were going with same sort of actions from her. One day she invited me and my friend (another faculty) to her house for her Birthday Party. First, I am denied to attend that function. Because of my friends compulsion I am accepted to attend her Birthday Party. The day of Birthday has come very closely. Mean while I have resigned there because of I have got some other good job as programmer. 

My friend was absent on the day before the Birthday Party day. But he promised me that he would be there on time. The time she said was evening 6 pm. But on the day of party she informed my friend that the function time is 4 pm. Actually the 4pm is the right time of Party. That same was not informed to me. My friend asked her that whether have you informed to sunith. She said Yes. So he did not called me on the time on which he started to party. But before starting I called his house, his mother said me that he gone for one birthday party. I understand that he started to the party. But before I went there the party was over and her father and mother were gone to some other function. I went there around 6.15 pm. But I am very disappointed when I am seen no persons are there for party including my Friend. 

When she seen me near by to door and invited me. I smiled and asked where is Ashok (my friend). She said the party was completed. I am bit confused and asked as you said the party time is only 6pm, now time is only 6.15pm, how the party is completed. She explained because of some important appointment of her father and mother, the party time is shifted from 6pm to 4pm. I asked why the same is not informed me. She smiled and said I wanted to speak to you without any body disturbance. That is the only reason I have not informed to you. I said I dont want to listen any of your explanation and continued to say bye. But she said I am very seriously loving you. I said the feeling of you is only Infatuation that is not Love. And I came out. Further she asked What is mean by infatuation? I said it is feeling of thrust is coming out only through physical attraction and not from heart. She said Ok. Can you stay some time here and help me in some doubts. I said I am bit busy now. She asked me shall is come to your house by this evening. I said Ok (because of compulsion). And said not today tomorrow around 6 pm. I am staying in my uncles guesthouse of chennai. 

She came to my house around 5.45 pm and waited for me to come from office. I invited her without any hesitation. Because she wearied some decent dress of Long court model with tight locked button from neck. I was very happy to see that. She came in. Normally I will be stay in my house by locking. Same fashion I locked after she came inside without any Idea. I said please wait I will bring something for you. I brought some biscuits and hot coffee. She said yesterday you not seen my birthday dress also. And she continued that I wanted to show it to you. She stands up and opened that long court and put off. I was very surprised that she does not wearied anything inside. She is standing in a NUDE before me. I was very aroused. She said as you said if I were having only physical attraction on you, I would never disturb you after I have satisfied the same from you. Else you have to accept that I love you very seriously. I am hearing all the tings but still I have not come out of that surprise. She came towards me and caught me very tightly. I am help less. She is making me on worse condition. Then I lost my control and started to kiss her. 

I brought her face towards me and started kissing her lips. And I gone back to her and still I am kissing her cheeks and tried to place my hands on her boobs. Exactly the same I have done. Then I squeezed her boobs very well. And I have came to the front side and kept my lips on her boob. Now my loving boob is in front of me to suck. I just forced her towards my bed room and started sucking her boob directly and my one hand is squeezing the other boob. I have become mad of sucking the boobs. And I have come to the bottom. I am smelled the pussy and sucked. But she pulled me from bottom and she started removing my shirt and pant and my panty in no time. She was wondered by seeing my 7 penny in front of her. She just shown some hesitation to touch the same. I am signaled her that do what ever you wanted. She kept that on her mouth directly. And try to take the pre juice. At the same time I am bit hurry to see her Pussy. Then I kept my penny on her mount and I have turned to down suck her pussy. Then I have started sucking her pussy and I was very excited that her pussy was very clearly shaven. She is made it ready for me to suck. I sucked the outside juice. For the first time I am going the open the lips of pussy. I opened the lips and seen the rose color. 

I kept my lip inside her pussy. Due to over excitement the juice is coming out very frequently. I dont wanted to waste any of those. I have take all the juice to my mouth. And she asked to me to give the milk juice on her mouth. Then I started playing In out play with her mouth and downloaded all the milk with her mouth. Then she called me to come up. Then we shared the milk, which is available on her mouth by kissing each other. Then she asked me to continue the sucking job, which is stopped. I started sucking her very vigorously. She started shouting Fuck me hard sunith. Then I came to know that this is right time for go for climax. Then I am gone upwards and started kissing her lips and squeezing her boobs. I asked her to keep her legs broder in V shaped. She just shown the way in which I have to proceed with my penny. She kept her two fingers and gateway person for sending my penny inside. I am just placed my penny on front of per pussy lips and just pushed inside. Because of over juice my penny doesnt find very great problem in going inside. 

But still her pussy showing the stiff in having my penny. Then I started jerking my penny in out. She shouted fast. I made it fast. Then she shouted for pain. But I doesnt bothered and made the fast available for my strength. The show was beautiful to see the dancing of her boobs. Then I decided to cum the juice inside per pussy and the same was done. Then I have taken my breath back but she is breathing very hardly. And I am making myself disabled from her body and lied next to her. After some time back she started kissing me. Now the time is 8.30 pm. I asked her that can you stay with me. She said I have only one problem to stay with you. 

The problem is I have to inform to my house. Then she took the phone the dialed her house phone number and informed. Then she asked me what would you like to take for dinner. I said I already finished my dinner and you are served me very well. She kept quite. And we had the dinner as nude. And after dinner we had the combined bath and the full night we were very busy in exchanging the sex each other. Even after we had very great moments of sex. 


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