Studying Alpana's studies

Alpana is my next door neighbor living with her parents. She is the only child to them. Alpana was always a very naughty and energetic girl who was never interested in her studies in school. She had failed twice so she was in the 10th standard at the age of 18. 

Her mother had tried to send her for tuitions to many well-known tutors who charged heavy fees but nothing could change Alpana. The last tutor was a man who appeared more like street-smart guy and apparently Alpana’s tuitions with him were stopped because the mother felt there was something more than just studies happening between them. Both her parents had great trust in me since I was a very sincere honest man of principals until what Alpana did to me. I was still single that time and aged 25. I didn’t have any permanent job so I used to mostly help Alpana’s parents with any of their needs. For the same reason, once Alpana mother Gayatridevi (I called her bhabhi) requested me if I could do something to help motivate Alpana in her studies. I was always concerned about the girl’s future so I immediately agreed and promised bhabhi to do my level-best to change Alpana. 

Alpana also had considerable respect for me so she called me uncle (I didn’t mind that). Finally she was sent to me for sharpening her especially in science subject because she was weakest in that. Not that she was better in any other subjects. Actually she’s a very smart girl but just that she never took interest in school studies. I never understood why. In the first week of my tuition period itself I sensed her being mischievous in some things. Everyday of that week as soon as I opened the door of my house she would run to the bathroom in her school uniform which was a half-sleeved white shirt and a midnight blue skirt little above the knees. Every time when she came in from the door the shirt used to be tucked inside the skirt. After she came out of the bathroom the shirt was left pulled out. This continued for a whole week. Other than that Alpana’s these kinds of activities were advancing which was growing increasingly embarrassing for me. 

On the first day of that week it was only the shirt pulled out. Second day she had loosened 2-3 buttons of the shirt from below. This was exposing her stomach and navel. Third day she even opened the upper 2 buttons giving a clear view of her fresh tits partly covered by the light pink bra she wore that day. The shirt material of the school uniform was not very thick so one could easily see what was worn underneath it. On the fourth day I noticed that after coming out of the bathroom she had even unhooked the bra from behind. It was a black bra that day. I could not tolerate more of this embarrassment but had to keep quiet so that she doesn’t have an excuse to discontinue the tuition. 

Seeing her habits I think the previous tutor was also not the only one at fault if really they were doing things other than studies as Alpana’s mother had complained. Bhabhi was not aware her own daughter’s dangerous potential. Alpana & I mostly had to read from her school text books of which there was always only one copy so we had to sit really close. Sometimes Alpana used to rub her legs lightly over mine and once or twice I actually felt her hand being kept on my thigh casually and then it moved upto my groin. One day I directly asked her “What’s all this?” She looked at me boldly and asked me in return “What are you talking about, Uncle?” I pointed to the open buttons of her shirt and questioned her angrily “Is this how you sit in school as with your buttons open? Have you lost your manners? I went on scolding her for about half an hour. Then she burst into tears and cried loudly. 

I felt guilty seeing her crying so I tried to console her in a kind fatherly manner. Then she made a really sad face and stood up to show me why she was actually crying. Due to my scolding she nervously had pissed and wet her panty and skirt fully. Now I also got nervous I didn’t know how to handle the situation. I told her to go home and change the clothes. She said her mother had gone to a relative’s place and will come back late in the evening and father as usual comes home only after 9pm. I couldn’t think of what to do. But before I worked any solution Alpana conveniently removed the panty as well as the skirt. She was not a little girl any more. Seeing an 18 year old girl naked from the waist was too much for me to control. I could feel blood rushing into my head and the heart was throbbing like a thousand hammers. She gave me a wicked smile and said “Ok preacher, are you really such a saint? Let’s test your patience now”. Saying this, Alpana opened the remaining buttons of her shirt and dropped it to the floor alongwith the black bra. 

She stood fully nude in all her erotic glory and turned around in slow motion to give me a complete view of every tiny bit of her sexy figure. She stroked her pussy with her own finger and asked “Well? What do you have in mind now? Are you hungry? Come my little baby, let me pamper you”. I was very insulted but at the same time also feeling guilty of the growing desire to actually feel her body and kissing it etc. She walked up to me and confidently opened my shirt and trouser. My dick was hard enough to show a huge bulge protruding thru my underwear. She didn’t look excited or surprised to see it. That proved that this is not the first time she has seen a male organ. I guessed she had sufficient experience in these matters. Expertly she lowered my underwear as well and took my dick in her hands. Till date I never had a woman touching me or especially in my private parts. 

I couldn’t bear this strong sensation anymore. I turned into a beast forgetting all about what our relation is or our age difference or even my principals of life. Everything was washed away from my mind in just one second. I caught her tightly in my powerful arms and squeezed her from top to bottom till she cried in pain. Suddenly again I felt guilty and released her. She simply smiled and shook her head as if “This man will never learn”. She held my hand gently and led me to my bedroom. We were both completely naked from top to bottom. She lay herself down on my bed and invited me to mount her. Hesitantly I sat on her but closed my eyes to let things happen more naturally while I could relax my splitting nerves. Her hands were feeling my whole body all over in a slow mesmerizing style. Finally she pulled my head bringing my mouth over her sweet tits. My eyes were still closed but the soft tender sensation of her budding fresh ripe balls was so soothing to my lips. I licked the nipples tenderly then started sucking them too. For the first time I got some confidence to use my hands to love a woman, a woman none other than a young girl of 18 who lives next door. 

The thought of what happens later didn’t bother me anymore. I was too indulged in the ecstasy of this young temptress. I gently rubbed my dick also over her vagina. That too was so tender and delicate. But the width of it certainly announced her lavish experiences in the past with whoever those other males were, maybe boys in school or other male teachers or maybe several other fans of her cunt from all over town. I knew she was pretty popular in all the hottest places. Our tongues were cajoling each other for a long time. Later I ran my tongue all over her body from toes to the head. I didn’t leave any part untouched. Alpana was also enjoying digging her fingers into my asshole and otherwise taking the entire length of my dick into her mouth comfortably sucking as much cum from it and even swallowing it all up as if it was some health drink. She didn’t look excited anywhere along the line but all her potential was too big a shock for me as I had never imagined this sweet little girl could go this far. Eventually she took a final position spreading her legs wide apart and set me in the appropriate manner then pointed to her pussy asking me to insert the dick and get started for the final round. It was my first time so I was losing confidence in front of such an experienced young girl. 

I was afraid to make mistakes which would put me to shame. Again I closed my eyes gathering all my courage. I told myself “Ok man, show her what you’re really made of. Prove her your true male power”. I touched the lips of her cunt with the head of my dick, stroked it a few times and then before she expected banged the entire hot rod to the core of her deep channel. The entry was pretty smooth since it was an experienced cunt. The juices flowing out served as lubricants as we changed gears upwards on the highway to paradise. We had many more experiences in future for the next 2 years. Finally one day she got pregnant and we had to do abortion. But when her parents discovered our secrets they quickly arranged to get her married. Her husband lived in a different city so she was away from me for at least 3 years. Later it was found that her husband is impotent so she came back to me crying for help. 

It hardly took us time to get back in action and within no time she mothered five healthy kids (2boys and 3 girls) with me standing as the proud father of them all. But all the credit goes to Alpana alone as she was the one who taught me to make love and made me feel like a real man. In fact she has turned out to be more womanly and become a very graceful woman. Now after marriage and having 5 children she looks perfectly like a typical housewife in sarees only. But even her sarees are no less sexy than the kind of things she wore in younger days. Every time she comes to my place I make sure I tearing burning and destroying away all her sarees, blouses, bras and panties while seducing her and then in the end gift her with a completely new wardrobe each time with a greater sex appeal. Her husband is always jealous seeing such a strong sexual relationship between Alpana and me.


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